10 April 2010

Cabled Newsboy Cap

What's a girl to do with an empty wallet and a need for new accessories?  Make them of course.  When I was learning how to knit, I borrowed a book from my local library called Stitch n' Bitch Nation.  Debbie Stoller has several books in the Stitch n' Bitch line which are really helpful.  The patterns are great if you're looking for some that don't look like your grandma knitted them.

05 April 2010

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Sheldon!

Many beginners don't realize that with a little research, it is easy to find awesome free patterns online.  You don't need to pay any money to find cute things to make.  You can always check out the links that we recommend, or a simple Google search will do.  One website that I absolutely adore is KnitPicks.  Not only do they offer a wide variety on beautiful yarns, but they also have a section devoted to free patterns.  This is where I came across Sheldon the Turtle for the first time, and ever since I have been dying to make him.  Once I realized that my best friend's birthday was coming up, who also happens to love turtles, I decided it was fate and I had to make Sheldon.